Hot Potatoes

No, this isn’t a post about recipes.

Or even potatoes for that matter.

I’m talking about something else entirely.

I’ve alluded to it in the past, but one of my glaring weaknesses is my ability to hold on to anger. It’s not something that I’m proud of and I’m working on it. But recently, I see that I still have many a ways to go.

Being angry is a natural reaction that is sometimes warranted. But staying angry, that my good people, is a choice.

And it’s a terrible choice.

Anger smoulders like ashes. The more you rake over it, the higher the plausibilty of it rekindling. When we focus on the foundation of our anger: the things people said or did, even after the situation is over, it rekindles the feeling. You can feel it tightening your chest, or pounding on the side of your head.

And if we hold on to anger long enough, it rots and becomes bitterness or hate.

That’s why the phrase is: to carry a grudge. It’s a choice.

download grudge

So why hot potatoes?

Because anger is like a hot potato. It burns us (albeit from the inside). However, unlike hot potatoes, our immediate reaction isn’t to drop it and wait until the heat subsides before dealing with it, nope. We hold it, closely, not realising that it will continue to destroy us as long as we keep it in hand.

So, we gotta let the anger go. It’s healthier for us in that way. We can’t let anger become such a staple in our lives that it controls our thoughts and actions. (No pun intended.) It’s a lesson I’m still learning so, I thought I’d share it.

It’s no fun playing with hot potatoes.


All images taken from Google. All gifs taken from

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